SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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704 lines
; $Id: tetris.pro,v 1.2 1996/12/17 23:42:52 ali Exp $
; IDL Tetris,
; Ray Sterner, 23 and 25 June, 1991
; IDL version of Tetris.
; This program is composed of the following routines:
; t_init = initializes the screen and internal arrays.
; Sets up colors and shape tables.
; t_next = selects next piece to play.
; t_drop = Drops the piece down one position.
; t_left = Moves piece one position left.
; t_right = Moves piece one position right.
; t_rot = Rotates piece by 90 CCW.
; t_plot = Plots or erases piece.
; t_score = Handles a score, lights up line
; and squeezes it out.
; tetris = Main control program.
;----- t_init.pro = tetris init ----------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_init, wt, lev, bell=bell
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
;-------- Common variables -------------
; t_nx, t_ny = X and Y size of playing board.
; t_brd = playing board.
; t_p = current playing piece (used only in t_next?).
; t_seed = random seed used in t_next to get next piece.
; t_r = current rotation (0-3).
; t_x, t_y = current reference point. This is what drops each
; cycle, and can be moved left and right.
; t_pxa, t_pya = X and Y offset for all pieces.
; t_px, t_py = X and Y offsets for current piece.
; t_ca = colors for all pieces.
; t_c = current piece color.
; t_bell = Ring bell for each line scored?
; t_wait = drop cycle delay time.
; t_pflst = array of last element numbers for piece outlines.
; t_pfxa, t_pfya = table of all piece outlines, all rotations.
; t_pfx, t_pfy = current piece outline.
; t_pc, t_hpc = # pieces played in game and IDL session.
; t_ln, t_hln = # lines scored in game and IDL session.
; t_sc, t_hsc = score for game and IDL session.
;-------- init board --------
t_bell = 0
if keyword_set(bell) then t_bell = 1 ; Ring bell when line complete?
if n_elements(wt) eq 0 then wt = -1. ; Time delay.
if wt eq -1. then wt = 0.05 ; Default time delay.
t_wait = wt ; Wait in sec between drops.
if n_elements(t_hln) eq 0 then t_hln = 0 ; High scores.
if n_elements(t_hpc) eq 0 then t_hpc = 0
if n_elements(t_hsc) eq 0 then t_hsc = 0
t_nx = 11 ; Size in X. (+1)
t_ny = 21 ; Size in Y. (+1)
t_brd = bytarr(t_nx-1, t_ny) ; Board.
;----- Set up random starting pieces -----
;----- If level < 0 then plot these pieces in gray (8) ----
if abs(lev) gt 0 then begin
lset = (byte(randomu(i,t_nx-1,abs(lev))*8)<7B)* $
byte(randomu(i,t_nx-1,abs(lev)) gt .5)
if lev lt 0 then lset = 8*(lset ne 0)
t_brd[0,0] = lset
;-------- Set up piece color array -------
t_ca = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
;-------- Set up pieces ------
;-------- As offsets: ----------
;--- Set up X offsets for 7 4 part pieces, each with 4 rotations --
t_pxa = intarr(4,4,7)
t_pxa[0,0,0] = [[0,1,0,1], $ ; Piece # 0: X X
[0,1,0,1], $ ; X X
[0,1,0,1], $
t_pxa[0,0,1] = [[-2,-1,0,1], $ ; Piece # 1: X X X X
[0,0,0,0], $
t_pxa[0,0,2] = [[-1,0,1,0], $ ; Piece # 2: X X X
[0,0,0,1], $ ; X
[-1,0,1,0], $
t_pxa[0,0,3] = [[-1,0,0,1], $ ; Piece # 3: X X
[0,0,-1,-1], $ ; X X
[0,-1,-1,-2], $
t_pxa[0,0,4] = [[-1,0,0,1], $ ; Piece # 4: X X
[-1,-1,0,0], $ ; X X
[0,-1,-1,-2], $
t_pxa[0,0,5] = [[-1,0,1,1],$ ; Piece # 5: X X X
[0,0,0,1], $ ; X
[1,0,-1,-1], $
t_pxa[0,0,6] = [[1,0,-1,-1],$ ; Piece # 6: X X X
[0,0,0,1],$ ; X
;--- Set up Y offsets for 7 4 part pieces, each with 4 rotations --
t_pya = intarr(4,4,7)
t_pya[0,0,0] = [[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1]]
t_pya[0,0,1] = [[0,0,0,0],[-2,-1,0,1],[0,0,0,0],[-2,-1,1,0]]
t_pya[0,0,2] = [[0,0,0,-1],[-1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[1,0,-1,0]]
t_pya[0,0,3] = [[0,0,-1,-1],[0,-1,-1,-2],[-1,-1,0,0],[-1,0,0,1]]
t_pya[0,0,4] = [[-1,-1,0,0],[0,-1,-1,-2],[0,0,-1,-1],[-1,0,0,1]]
t_pya[0,0,5] = [[0,0,0,-1],[-1,0,1,1],[0,0,0,1],[1,0,-1,-1]]
t_pya[0,0,6] = [[0,0,0,-1],[1,0,-1,-1],[0,0,0,1],[-1,0,1,1]]
;------ Setup pieces as outlines ---------
t_pflst = [3,3,7,7,7,5,5] ; Last outline point #.
t_pfxa = intarr(8,4,7)
t_pfxa[0,0,0] = [[0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0],$
t_pfxa[0,0,1] = [[-2,2,2,-2,0,0,0,0],$
t_pfxa[0,0,2] = [[-1,0,0,1,1,2,2,-1],$
t_pfxa[0,0,3] = [[-1,0,0,2,2,1,1,-1],$
t_pfxa[0,0,4] = [[-1,1,1,2,2,0,0,-1],$
t_pfxa[0,0,5] = [[-1,1,1,2,2,-1,0,0],$
t_pfxa[0,0,6] = [[-1,0,0,2,2,-1,0,0],$
t_pfya = intarr(8,4,7)
t_pfya[0,0,0] = [[0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0],$
t_pfya[0,0,1] = [[0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0],$
t_pfya[0,0,2] = [[0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1,1],$
t_pfya[0,0,3] = [[0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1,1],$
t_pfya[0,0,4] = [[-1,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0],$
t_pfya[0,0,5] = [[0,0,-1,-1,1,1,0,0],$
t_pfya[0,0,6] = [[-1,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0],$
;------- Scale board to screen --------
;------- Outline board -----------------
polyfill, [-1,t_nx, t_nx, -1], [-1, -1, t_ny, t_ny], $
polyfill, [-1,t_nx, t_nx, -1], [-1, -1, t_ny, t_ny], $
color=9, spacing=.15, orient=0
polyfill, [-1,t_nx, t_nx, -1], [-1, -1, t_ny, t_ny], $
color=9, spacing=.15, orient=90
polyfill,[0,1,1,0]*(t_nx-1),[0,0,1,1]*(t_ny-1), color=0
;------ Show starting board --------
if abs(lev) gt 0 then begin
for iy = 0, abs(lev) do begin
for ix = 0, t_nx-2 do begin
c = t_brd[ix,iy]
polyfill, [0,1,1,0]+ix, [0,0,1,1]+iy, color=c
;------ Menu -----
xyouts, 350-25, 280+30, /dev, size=1.2, '!3J = Move left'
xyouts, 475, 280+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'L = Move right'
xyouts, 350-25, 260+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'SPACE = Rotate'
xyouts, 475, 260+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'H = Help'
xyouts, 475, 240+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'Q = Quit'
xyouts, 350-25, 240+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'S = Start'
xyouts, 350-25, 220+30, /dev, size=1.2, 'P = Pause/unpause'
xyouts, 420, 190, 'Game', size=1.8, /dev
xyouts, 520, 190, 'Session', size=1.8, /dev
xyouts, 320, 160, 'Pieces:',size=1.8, /dev
xyouts, 320, 130, 'Lines:',size=1.8, /dev
xyouts, 320, 100, 'Score:',size=1.8, /dev
t_pc = 0 ; Current score.
t_ln = 0
t_sc = 0
xyouts, /dev, 420, 160, size=1.8, strtrim(t_pc,2)
xyouts, /dev, 520, 160, size=1.8, strtrim(t_hpc,2)
xyouts, /dev, 420, 130, size=1.8, strtrim(t_ln, 2)
xyouts, /dev, 520, 130, size=1.8, strtrim(t_hln, 2)
xyouts, /dev, 420, 100, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc, 2)
xyouts, /dev, 520, 100, size=1.8, strtrim(t_hsc, 2)
;------- Load color table --------
tvlct, $
[0,255,255,127,255,127,255,127,128,255, 0, 0,255,255,255,255],$
[0,127,127,255,255,127,189,255,128,255, 0,255, 0,255,255,255],$
[0,127,255,255,127,255,127,127,128,255,255,233, 0, 0, 0,255]
;--------- Make title --------
xyouts, 25+300, 400+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=10
xyouts, 25+301, 401+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=10
xyouts, 25+302, 402+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=11
xyouts, 25+303, 403+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=11
xyouts, 25+304, 404+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=12
xyouts, 25+305, 405+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=12
xyouts, 25+306, 406+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=13
xyouts, 25+307, 407+15, /dev, size=3, '!17IDL Tetris', color=13
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 23+392, 370+13, '!13by', color=12
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 23+342, 336+13, '!13Ray Sterner!3', color=12
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 24+392, 370+14, '!13by', color=12
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 24+342, 336+14, '!13Ray Sterner!3', color=12
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 25+392, 370+15, '!13by', color=6
xyouts, /dev, size=2, 25+342, 336+15, '!13Ray Sterner!3', color=6
;-------- t_next = get next piece ready ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_next, pn
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
if n_elements(pn) eq 0 then begin
t_p = byte(randomu(t_seed)*7) ; Pick a random piece #.
endif else t_p = pn ; Use selected piece number.
t_r = 0 ; Start in standard position.
t_c = t_ca[t_p] ; Look up piece color.
t_px = t_pxa[*, t_r, t_p] ; Pull out correct offsets.
t_py = t_pya[*, t_r, t_p]
t_pfx = t_pfxa[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p] ; Extract outline.
t_pfy = t_pfya[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p]
t_x = t_nx/2 ; Starting position.
t_y = t_ny
;------- t_drop = drop a piece one position ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_drop, done=done, range=range
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
t_plot, 0 ; Erase current position.
t_y = t_y - 1 ; Drop one position.
flag = 0 ; Undo flag.
if min(t_y + t_py) lt 0 then flag = 1 ; Hit bottom.
if max(t_brd[t_x+t_px, t_y+t_py]) gt 0 then flag = 1 ; Collision.
done = 0 ; Assume not done yet.
if flag eq 1 then begin ; Done.
t_y = t_y + 1 ; Can't move down.
t_brd[t_x+t_px, t_y+t_py] = t_c ; Update board with color.
done = 1 ; Set done flag.
range = [min(t_y+t_py), max(t_y+t_py)] ; Range to check.
t_plot, 1 ; Plot new position.
wait, t_wait
;------- t_left = move piece one position left ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_left
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
t_plot, 0 ; Erase current position.
t_x = t_x - 1 ; Shift left 1.
flag = 0 ; Undo flag.
if min(t_x + t_px) lt 0 then flag = 1 ; Out of bounds.
if max(t_brd[t_x+t_px, t_y+t_py]) gt 0 then flag = 1 ; Collision.
if flag eq 1 then t_x = t_x + 1 ; Undo.
t_plot, 1 ; Plot new position.
;------- t_right = move piece one position right ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_right
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
t_plot, 0 ; Erase current position.
t_x = t_x + 1 ; Shift right 1.
flag = 0 ; Undo flag.
if max(t_x + t_px) gt (t_nx-2) then flag = 1 ; Out of bounds.
if max(t_brd[t_x+t_px, t_y+t_py]) gt 0 then flag = 1 ; Collision.
if flag eq 1 then t_x = t_x - 1 ; Undo.
t_plot, 1 ; Plot new position.
;------- t_rot = rotate a piece one position ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_rot
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
t_plot, 0 ; Erase current position.
t_r = (t_r + 1) mod 4 ; Rotate.
t_px = t_pxa[*,t_r,t_p] ; Extract new offsets.
t_py = t_pya[*,t_r,t_p]
t_pfx = t_pfxa[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p] ; Extract outline.
t_pfy = t_pfya[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p]
;---- Check for out of bounds or collision. -----
flag = 0 ; Undo flag.
;------ Don't rotate out the sides ---------
if (min(t_x+t_px) lt 0) or (max(t_x+t_px) gt (t_nx-2)) then flag = 1
;------ Don't rotate out the bottom -----
if (min(t_y+t_py) lt 0) then flag = 1
;------ Check collision with another piece ------
if max(t_brd[t_x+t_px, t_y+t_py]) gt 0 then flag = 1 ; Collision.
if flag eq 1 then begin ; Undo.
t_r = (t_r + 3) mod 4 ; Rotate 270 = -90.
t_px = t_pxa[*,t_r,t_p] ; Extract new offsets.
t_py = t_pya[*,t_r,t_p]
t_pfx = t_pfxa[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p] ; Extract outline.
t_pfy = t_pfya[0:t_pflst[t_p],t_r,t_p]
t_plot, 1 ; Plot new position.
;------ t_plot.pro = Erase or draw current tetris piece ---------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_plot, flag
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
c = 0
if flag eq 1 then c = t_c
if max(t_y+t_pfy) lt t_ny then begin
polyfill, t_x+t_pfx, t_y+t_pfy, color=c
;------- t_score = Look for and process a score. ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro t_score, r
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
;--------- Add score for this piece --------
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2), color=0
t_sc = t_sc + 7 ; Each piece worth 7 pts.
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2)
count = 0 ; Lines scored on piece.
rn = (r[0]+indgen(r[1]-r[0]+1))<(t_ny-1) ; Range to check.
for i = 0, n_elements(rn)-1 do begin ; Check each line.
if total(t_brd[*,rn[i]] eq 0) eq 0 then begin ; Score.
;--- light up score line ----
xp = [0.01,.99,.99,0.01]*(t_nx-1)
yp = [0.05,0.05,.99,.99]+rn[i]
polyfill, xp,yp,color=0,spacing=.1,orient=0
polyfill, xp,yp,color=0,spacing=.1,orient=90
wait, 0
;--- ring bell -----
if t_bell then print,string(7b),form='($,a1)'
;--- Collapse board -------
t_brd[0,rn[i]] = t_brd[*,(rn[i]+1):*]
;--- Repaint screen board -----
tmp = fltarr(t_ny)
for j = 0, t_ny-1 do tmp[j] = total(t_brd[*,j])
mx = 1+max(where(tmp ne 0))
for z = 0.8, 0., -.2 do begin
for iy = rn[i], mx do begin
for ix = 0, t_nx-2 do begin
c = t_brd[ix,iy]
polyfill, [0,1,1,0]+ix, (z+[0,0,1,1]+iy)<(t_ny-1), color=c
endfor ; Z
;--- Decrement range ------
rn = rn - 1
;---- Count scored line -----
count = count + 1
;--- Update score board -----
xyouts, 420, 130, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_ln,2), color=0
t_ln = t_ln + 1
xyouts, 420, 130, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_ln,2)
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2), color=0
t_sc = t_sc + 22 ; Each line worth 22 pts.
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2)
;-------- Check for a tetris (4 lines scored on 1 piece) ----
if count eq 4 then begin
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2), color=0
t_sc = t_sc + 48 ; 48 extra points.
xyouts, 420, 100, /dev, size=1.8, strtrim(t_sc,2)
;------- t_help.pro = display help text --------
; R. Sterner, 4 Aug, 1991
pro t_help
if ver.style eq 'MS Windows' then device, set_display=2
print,' '
print,' Tetris has 7 different playing pieces which drop down'
print,' from the top of the screen. Points are scored by'
print,' fitting these pieces together to form horizontal rows'
print,' having no gaps. Such complete rows dissolve away and add'
print," to the player's score. Pieces may be moved left and right"
print,' and rotated to fit together. The more rows completed the'
print,' higher the score each newly completed row is worth.'
print,' Extra credit is given for completing 4 rows at the same'
print,' time. Upper or lower case key commands may be used, except'
print,' that the Q (quit) command must be upper case.'
print,' Both the current game scores and the highest score during'
print,' the current session of IDL are displayed.'
print,' '
print,' The first version of this project was written using PC IDL'
print,' in an afternoon as a test of the capabilities of IDL on a'
print,' 386 class machine.'
txt = ''
read,' Press RETURN to continue', txt
if ver.style eq 'MS Windows' then device, set_display=3
;;------ tetris.pro main tetris routine ------
; R. Sterner, 23 Jun, 1991
pro tetris, wait=wt, level=lev, help=hlp, bell=bell, $
; IDL version of the falling blocks game Tetris.
; The object of this game is to build solid rows of blocks from the
; differently-shaped falling pieces.
; Games.
; No required inputs.
; No explicit outputs.
; WAIT: The delay between moves in seconds. This parameter adjusts
; the playing speed. The default is 0.05, which may be too
; low for faster machines (or beginning players).
; LEVEL: Level of random starting pieces, default = 0.
; HELP: Set this keyword to display help text.
; BELL: Set this keyword to ring the bell for each line scored.
; Some.
; A window is created for the game.
; Interaction is via keyboard and display.
; Written by Ray Sterner, Johns-Hopkins Applied Physics Research Lab
; 23 and 25 June, 1991
common t_com, t_nx, t_ny, t_brd, t_p, t_seed, t_r, t_x, t_y, $
t_pxa, t_pya, t_px, t_py, t_ca, t_c, $
t_bell, t_wait, t_pflst, t_pfxa, t_pfya, t_pfx, t_pfy, $
t_pc, t_hpc, t_ln, t_hln, t_sc, t_hsc
if keyword_set(hlp) then begin
print,' Play tetris game.'
print,' tetris'
print,' Keywords:'
print,' WAIT=tm Seconds between pieces (def=.05).'
print,' tm = 0 is very fast, 0.1 is slow.'
print,' LEVEL=L Level of random starting pieces (def=0).'
print,' If L is negative then starting pieces are gray.'
print," /BELL means ring bell for each line scored."
print,' TOP=tp returns highest level for each piece played.'
print,' Games are delimited by -1s.'
if n_elements(wt) eq 0 then wt = -1.
if wt eq -1. then wt = 0.05
if n_elements(lev) eq 0 then lev = 0
top = [-1] ; Start TOP array.
start: t_init, wt, lev, bell=bell
;------- Find top ----------
tmp = fltarr(t_ny)
for j = 0, t_ny-1 do tmp[j] = total(t_brd[*,j])
mx = 1+max(where(tmp ne 0))
top = [top,mx]
rd: k = strupcase(get_kbrd(1))
if (k eq 'H') then begin
goto, rd
if k eq 'Q' then return
if k ne 'S' then goto, rd
loop1: t_next
loop2: ku = strupcase(get_kbrd(0)) ; Get key.
if ku eq ' ' then t_rot ; Rotate.
if ku eq 'J' then t_left ; Move left.
if ku eq 'L' then t_right ; Move right.
if ku eq 'Q' then goto, over ; Game over.
if ku eq 'P' then begin ; Pause.
ku = get_kbrd(1)
goto, loop2
t_drop, done=d, range=r ; Drop piece.
if d eq 1 then begin ; Piece done moving.
;------- Find top ----------
tmp = fltarr(t_ny)
for j = 0, t_ny-1 do tmp[j] = total(t_brd[*,j])
mx = 1+max(where(tmp ne 0))
top = [top,mx]
if min(r) ge t_ny-1 then begin ; Game over?
goto, over
;------ Erase current score. ------
xyouts, /dev, 420, 160, size=1.8, strtrim(t_pc,2),color=0
t_pc = t_pc + 1
xyouts, /dev, 420, 160, size=1.8, strtrim(t_pc,2)
t_score, r ; Update score.
goto, loop1
goto, loop2
;------ Game over -------
over: polyfill, [0,1,1,0]*(t_nx-1), [0,0,1,1]*(t_ny-1),$
color=0, spacing=.1, orient=0
polyfill, [0,1,1,0]*(t_nx-1), [0,0,1,1]*(t_ny-1),$
color=0, spacing=.1, orient=90
;-------- Wait for another start command. ------
loopw: ku = strupcase(get_kbrd(1))
;--------- Update session max values. -----
if (ku eq 'S') or (ku eq 'Q') then begin
t_hpc = t_hpc > t_pc
t_hln = t_hln > t_ln
t_hsc = t_hsc > t_sc
;--------- Handle S or Q ---------
if ku eq 'S' then begin
t_init, wt, lev, bell=bell
top = [top,-1]
;------- Find top ----------
tmp = fltarr(t_ny)
for j = 0, t_ny-1 do tmp[j] = total(t_brd[*,j])
mx = 1+max(where(tmp ne 0))
top = [top,mx]
goto, loop1
if ku ne 'Q' then goto, loopw